14 Best Chrome Extensions for Students

Chrome, one of the most popular browsers, has a lot to offer its users. It has several features that make browsing more convenient. Hey, welcome to Techpass Master in the post I will tell you the 14 best chrome extensions for students. Chrome extensions feature a large app store with a diverse selection of apps, games, and addons.

Extensions are little apps placed on your browser to help you get the most out of it. They offer a variety of features that can be very useful for students. We have covered our all-best chrome extensions for students

best chrome extensions for students
best chrome extensions for students

Best chrome extensions for students

Here are the 14 best chrome extensions for students –

  • Google Dictionary
    Google Dictionary is a very useful extension for students who want to improve their vocabulary. It allows users to look up the meaning of words with just a few clicks.
  • OneTab
    OneTab is a very useful extension for students who want to save tabs. It helps users to reduce the number of tabs open in their browser by converting them into a list.
  • Diigo
    Diigo is a powerful research tool that allows students to save and annotate articles, images, and videos. It’s great for collecting research for papers and projects.
  • Quizlet
    Quizlet is a free flashcard programme that aids students in their test preparation. It’s great for memorizing vocabulary, formulas, and other information.
  • Evernote
    Evernote is a free note-taking app that helps students organize their thoughts and ideas. It’s great for taking notes in class or for writing papers.
  • SimpleMind
    SimpleMind is a free mind mapping app that helps students visualize their ideas. It’s great for brainstorming or for organizing information.
  • SelfControl
    SelfControl is a free app that helps students stay focused and avoid distractions. It’s great for studying or for working on projects.
  • Freedom
    Freedom is a paid app that helps students stay focused and avoid distractions. It’s great for studying or for working on projects.
  • StayFocusd
    StayFocusd is a free Chrome extension that helps students stay focused and avoid distractions. It’s great for studying or for working on projects.
  • Save to Pocket
    Pocket is a free app that helps students save articles, videos, and other web content for later. It’s great for collecting research or for finding interesting content.
  • AdBlock
    AdBlock is a free Chrome extension that blocks ads on websites. It’s great for reducing distractions or for blocking annoying ads.
  • StudyBlue
    StudyBlue is a free app that helps students study for tests. It’s great for memorizing vocabulary, formulas, and other information.
  • Course Hero
    CourseHero is a paid app that helps students find study materials. It’s great for getting help with homework or for finding study materials.
  • Google Scholar
    GoogleScholar is a free research tool that allows students to find academic papers, books, and other scholarly materials.

1. A chrome extension that allows students to highlight and take notes on web pages.

2. A chrome extension that allows students to set timers for studying and break periods.

3. A chrome extension that allows students to create flashcards from web pages.

4. A chrome extension that allows students to track their time spent on each website.

5. A chrome extension that allows students to receive reminders for upcoming assignments and exams.

Some bonus best chrome extensions for productivity

There are a number of great Chrome extensions that can boost your productivity. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. Todoist: This extension allows you to manage your to-do lists and tasks directly from your browser.
  2. Momentum: This extension replaces your new tab page with a motivational quote and your to-do list, helping you stay focused on your goals.
  3. Tab Snooze: This extension allows you to temporarily snooze tabs, so they’re out of sight and out of mind until you need them.
  4. The Great Suspender: This extension suspends inactive tabs, so they don’t continue to drain your computer’s resources.
  5. Google Keep: This extension gives you quick and easy access to Google Keep, so you can save your thoughts and ideas as you browse the web.
I hope you liked the post. If you have any questions regarding this post. Feel free to comment and share the post with other friends.

Happy Learning!!!

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