Implement Interface in Kotlin Android Example

If you’re looking to build robust and efficient applications in Kotlin, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of Interface in Kotlin & We will see how to implement Interface in Kotlin Android with Example .

Whether you’re a experience developer or a beginner, this article will help you understand the importance of Interface in Kotlin and how to use them effectively.

So get ready to learn everything you need to know about Interface in Kotlin. With the help of code snippets and real-world examples,

1. What is an Interface in Kotlin?

Interface is blueprint for the class that the class has the necessary functionality to perform its intended tasks.

Think of Interface as a blueprint for your building project. Just like a blueprint outlines the specifications of a building, an Interface outlines the specifications of a class. By following the blueprint, you can guarantee that the building will have the necessary features and functions to serve its purpose.

Similarly, by implementing an Interface, you can guarantee that the class will have the necessary features and functions to serve its purpose.

2. Interface in real-world applications Implement in Kotlin

Here is a simple example of using interface in Kotlin for real-world applications:

interface Shape {
    fun area(): Double

class Rectangle(private val width: Double, private val height: Double) : Shape {
    override fun area(): Double = width * height

class Circle(private val radius: Double) : Shape {
    override fun area(): Double = Math.PI * radius * radius

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val shapes = listOf(Rectangle(10.0, 20.0), Circle(5.0))
    for (shape in shapes) {
        println("Shape: ${shape.javaClass.simpleName}, Area: ${shape.area()}")

This example demonstrates the use of an interface Shape that defines a method area() to calculate the area of different shapes. The Rectangle and Circle classes implement the Shape interface and provide their own implementation of the area() method. In the main function, we create a list of shapes and loop through them to print their class name and area.

This example can be further extended to handle multiple shapes and can be used in real-world applications for geometric calculations.

Here’s another example showing the use of interface in Kotlin for real-world applications:

interface Payment {
    fun pay(amount: Double)

class CreditCard : Payment {
    override fun pay(amount: Double) {
        println("Paying $amount using Credit Card")

class PayPal : Payment {
    override fun pay(amount: Double) {
        println("Paying $amount using PayPal")

class ShoppingCart {
    private val items = mutableListOf<String>()
    private var paymentMethod: Payment? = null

    fun addItem(item: String) {

    fun setPaymentMethod(payment: Payment) {
        paymentMethod = payment

    fun checkout() {
        val total = items.size * 10.0

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val shoppingCart = ShoppingCart()

    val shoppingCart2 = ShoppingCart()

In this example, the Payment interface defines a method pay for making payments. The CreditCard and PayPal classes implement the Payment interface and provide their own implementation of the pay method.

The ShoppingCart class maintains a list of items and a payment method. The checkout method calculates the total amount and calls the pay method of the payment method.

In the main function, we create two shopping carts, add items to them, set the payment method, and call the checkout method to make the payment. This demonstrates how interface can be used to provide a flexible and extensible way to handle different payment methods in a real-world application.

3. Benefits of Using Interface in Kotlin

Interface provide several benefits in Kotlin for real-world applications, including:

  1. Abstraction: Interface allow you to define a set of functions that an implementing class must have, without specifying how those functions should be implemented. This abstraction provides a clear separation between the interface and the implementation, making it easier to change the implementation without affecting the interface.
  2. Polymorphism: Interface allow you to use objects of different classes interchangeably, as long as they implement the same interface. This makes it possible to write generic code that works with objects of different types, without having to know their specific class.
  3. Extensibility: Interface allow you to add new functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code. This makes it possible to extend the functionality of existing classes in a flexible and modular way.
  4. Code reuse: Interface allow you to reuse common functionality across different classes, reducing the amount of code duplication.
  5. Separation of Concerns: Interface provide a way to separate the responsibilities of different components in a complex system. By defining clear interface for each component, developers can create a more modular and maintainable architecture that is easier to understand and change.
  6. Reusability: Interface allow developers to reuse common functionality across multiple classes, reducing the amount of code duplication. This makes it possible to create more efficient and maintainable code, and to reduce the amount of work required to make changes to the system.

4. How Interface simplify complex software development

By defining a common interface for related classes, interface allow developers to create more flexible and reusable code, reduce coupling, and increase cohesion between components.

For example, in a large e-commerce application, interface can be used to define a common interface for payment methods, allowing the application to support multiple payment options without having to modify the core functionality of the application.

5. Conclusion

Interface simplifying complex software development by providing a clear and modular structure for the implementation of complex systems. They allow developers to create more flexible and reusable code, reduce coupling, and increase cohesion between components.

Warp Up

And this wraps up this short blog post! You could’ve been doing a million other things, but you decided to sit and read through this article to know, Interface in Kotlin. It shows that you’re committed to improving your skills in Android development ! It shows your passion for Android development! Hopefully, you found this blog post helpful! If you liked this article, you can checkout my other articles. As always, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this article :). I wish you the best of luck! Happy coding 👨‍💻! Cheers!

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