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Load Image from URL with Shimmer Effect in Jetpack Compose

Techpass MasterMay 24, 20248 min read

Hello Developers, welcome to Techpass Master, In this post, you will learn how to Load Images from URLs with Shimmer Effect in Jetpack Compose with…


Icon Toggle Button in Jetpack Compose

Techpass MasterMar 1, 20244 min read

In Jetpack Compose, the Icon Toggle Button is composable, representing a toggle button with an icon. It allows users to switch between two states,…


TextField in Jetpack Compose | EditText in Compose

Techpass MasterFeb 27, 20245 min read

Jetpack Compose is a user interface (UI) toolkit for Android apps that makes building interfaces easier. Think of a TextField as a box where…


Jetpack Compose Button with Text and Icon

Techpass MasterFeb 2, 20246 min read

The combination of buttons with text and icons into enhances the visual appeal of your app, capturing the user’s attention and improving overall engagement.…


Best Technology to Learn in 2024

Techpass MasterJan 31, 20246 min read

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or someone looking to future-proof your Best Technology to Learn in skills in 2024. Let’s embark on a journey…

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